The Function and Evolution of Motile DNA Replication Systems in Ciliates



•The replication envelope is a new form of motile DNA system•Calcium signaling and cytoskeletal regulation may coordinate the band•Phylogenomics resolves deep phylogeny ciliate phylum ubiquitous conserved cellular process. However, only understood in small fraction organisms that poorly represent diversity genetic systems nature. Here we used computational experimental approaches to examine function evolution one such system, band (RB) spirotrich ciliates, which localized, hub traverses macronucleus while replicating DNA. We show RB can take unique forms different species, from polar bands “replication envelope,” where initiates at nuclear periphery before advancing inward. Furthermore, identify genes involved transport, including calcium transporters regulators, are associated with be its translocation. These findings highlight provide insights into organization processes. process by genomic duplicated anticipation cell division. 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As positive Cy3-EdU labeling Hoechst applied revealed fluorescent characteristic passed exhibited Cy3 fluorescence 3D 3E). distinguished alternative appeared throughout inward 3F–3I, Figures 4A–4C; Figure S2). Re-evaluation preparations comparable structure, observations procedures 3C). Unlike lacked observed). initiate globally contrasting focality envelope.Figure 4Confocal Fluorescence Imaging Replication Envelope metchnikoffiShow caption(A–C) Confocal imaging montages separate cells.(A) phase.(B) Slightly later (A).(C) Completed phase.Scale bars, 50 μm; step 0.5 μm.View Large Image ViewerDownload Hi-res image Download (PPT) (A–C) cells. (A) phase. (B) (A). 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Compared non-specific RNAi, essential phase-initiating CDC6, decreased proportion 6A), observed, CDC6 resulted impaired (measured distance divided length lob

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عنوان ژورنال: Current Biology

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1879-0445', '0960-9822']